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發佈日期 : 2023-04-19 最後更新日期 : 2024-09-06




中文姓名:葛自祥 博士

英文姓名:Tzu-Hsiang Ko




傳  真:(02)82094650


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  • Reviewer of Applied Mathematical Model (SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of Energy (SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of Journal of Thermal Sciences (SCI Journal)
  • Reviewer of Numerical Heat Transfer (SCI Journal)
  • Editorial Board Member of The Open Mechanical Engineering
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  • IPMA Level C, Event Project Management Certified Trainer
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  • 榮獲私立學校文教協會首屆「私校十大傑出校長獎」
  • 榮獲「教育部97年度友善校園獎-特殊貢獻人員及傑出行政人員」
  • 榮膺台灣專案管理學會2010年、2011、2013年百大名師
  • 收錄於International Professional of Year 2008 (The International Biographical Centre)
  • 收錄於International Scientist of Year 2007 (The International Biographical Centre)
  • 收錄於Marquis Who’sWho in Science and Engineering (2006-2009)
  • 收錄於The Cambridge Blue Book of Foremost International Scientists
  • 連續三年獲頒龍華科技大學93、94及95學年度傑出研究獎
  • 當選教育部特殊貢獻有功人員,獲頒教育部特殊貢獻獎
  • 獲頒功在龍華獎牌


  • 行政院國家發展研究班第7期結業


[Journal paper]

  • Ko, T. H. and Yen, R. H.,“Three-Dimensional Non-Reacting Turbulent Mixing Phenomena in a Side-Dump Combustor,” Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Vo1. 14(4), p. 350-359 (1993) (SCI, EI)
  • Yen, R. H. and Ko, T. H., ”Effects of Side-inlet Angle in a Three-Dimensional Side-Dump Combustor,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vo1. 9(5), p. 686-693 (1993) (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H. and Ting, K., “Entropy generation and thermodynamic optimization of fully developed laminar convection in a helical coil,” International Communication of Mass and Heat Transfer, Vol. 32, p. 214-223 (2005) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, C. H., “Numerical Investigation on Laminar and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in Bifurcating Lung Airways,” Journal of Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Vol. 18, p. 27-35 (2005).
  • Ko, T. H. and Chen, H. K., “Three-Dimensional Isothermal Solid-gas Flow and Deposition Process in a Plasma Spray Torch with Solid Shield: A Numerical Study,” Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 200(7), p. 2152-2164 (2005) (SCI, EI) (NSC93-2622-E-262-001-CC3).
  • Ko, T. H., “Three-dimensional Fuel-air Mixing Phenomena in a Side-dump Combustor: A Numerical Study,” International Communication of Mass and Heat Transfer, Vol. 32(10), p. 1360-1374 (2005) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H. and Ting, K., “Entropy Generation and Optimal Analysis for Laminar Forced Convection in Curved Rectangular Ducts: A Numerical Study,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 45(2), p. 138-150 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “Analysis of Optimal Reynolds Number for Developing Laminar Forced Convection in Double-sine Ducts Based on Entropy Generation Minimization Principle,” Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 47, p. 655-670 (2006) (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical Investigation on Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in a Curved Rectangular Duct with Longitudinal Ribs Mounted on Heated Wall,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 45(4), p. 390-404 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., K. Ting and Yeh, C. C., “Effect of Spray Angle on Three-Dimensional Flow and Deposition Process in Atmospheric Plasma Spray Torch: A Numerical Study,” Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 200(10), p. 3376-3379 (2006) (SCI, EI) (NSC93-2622-E-262-001-CC3).
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical Investigation on Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in a Helical Coil with Constant Wall Heat Flux,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A , Vol. 49(3), p. 257-278 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical Analysis of Entropy Generation and Optimal Reynolds Number for Developing Laminar Forced Convection in Double-sine Ducts with Various Aspect Ratios,” International Journal of Mass and Heat Transfer, Vol. 49(3-4), p. 718-726 (2006) (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical Study on Three-Dimensional Isothermal Solid-gas Flow and Deposition Process in a Deposition Chamber,” International Communication of Mass and Heat Transfer Vol. 33(5), p. 601-609 (2006) (SCI, EI) (NSC93-2622-E-262-001-CC3).
  • Ko, T. H., Liu, C. M., Matsuo, Y., Ono, S. and Teii, S., “Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Thermofluid Fields Induced by a Pen-like Atmospheric Nonthermal Plasma Torch,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences Vol. 45(7), p. 681-690 (2006) (SCI, EI) (NSC93-2212-E-262-002).
  • Ko, T. H., “Thermodynamic Analysis of Optimal Curvature Ratio for Fully Developed Laminar Forced Convection in a Helical Coiled Tube with Uniform Heat Flux,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences Vol. 45(7), p. 729-737 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “A Numerical Study on the Effects of Side-inlet Angle on the Mixing Phenomena in a Three-dimensional Side-dump Combustor,” International Communication of Mass and Heat Transfer, Vol. 33(7), p. 853-862 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H. and Ting, K., “Optimal Reynolds Number for the Fully Developed Laminar Forced Convection in a Helical Coiled Tube,” Energy: the international journal, Vol. 31(12), p. 1806-1816 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “Thermodynamic Analysis of Optimal Mass Flow Rate for Fully Developed Laminar Forced Convection in a Helical Coiled Tube Based on Minimal Entropy Generation Principle,” Energy Conversion and Management Vol.  47(18-19), p. 3097-3107 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “Effects of Spray Angle on Three-Dimensional Isothermal Solid-gas Flow in a Confined Deposition Chamber,” International Communication of Mass and Heat Transfer Vol. 33(8), p. 993-1001 (2006) (SCI, EI) (NSC93-2622-E-262-001-CC3).
  • Ko, T. H., “A Numerical Study on Entropy Generation and Optimization for Laminar Forced Convection in a Rectangular Curved Duct With Longitudinal Ribs,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences. Vol. 45(11), p. 1113-1125 (2006) (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H.,Ting, K. and Yeh, H. C., “Numerical Investigation on Flow Fields in Partially Stenosed Artery with Complete Bypass Graft: An in Vitro Study,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (2007) 713-727 (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H. and C. S. Cheng, “Numerical Investigation on Developing Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in a Wavy Channel,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (2007) 924-933 (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “A Numerical Study on Developing Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in Half- and Double-sine Ducts,” International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (2007) 1275-1284 (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H., “Effects of Corrugation Angle on Developing Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in a Wavy Channel,” Heat and Mass Transfer 44(2) (2007) 261-271 (SCI, EI).
  • Ko, T. H.,Ting, K. and Yeh, H. C., “A Numerical Study on the Effects of Anastomotic Angle on the Flowfields in a Stenosed Artery with a Complete Bypass Graft,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 35 (2008) 1360-1367 (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H. and Wu, C.P., “A Numerical Study on Entropy Generation Induced by Turbulent Forced Convection in Curved Rectangular Ducts with Various Aspect Ratios,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36 (2009) 25-31 (SCI, EI)
  • Ko, T. H. and Syu, J.C., “Numerical Investigation on Thermofluid Fields Induced by Pen-like Atmospheric Non-thermal Plasma Torch with Array Type: a Preliminary Study,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36 (2009) 148-154 (SCI, EI)

[Conference paper]


  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical study on the flow characteristics in a partially obstructed tube with a complete bypass graft,” Proceeding of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Aug. 4-9, Calgary, Canada (2002)
  • Ko, T. H., “Effects of a complete bypass graft on the flow fields in a host artery with different severity stenosis,” Proceeding of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, Aug. 4-9, Calgary, Canada (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Effects of the anastomotic angle on the flowfields in a partially occluded tube with a complete bypass graft,” Proceeding of the World Congress of the Chinese Biomedical Engineering, B06, p. 66, Dec. 11-13, Taipei, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H., “A comparison between the flow features in a stenosed artery with a complete bypass graft and in an end-to-side model,” Proceeding of the Thirteen International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, pp. 57-58, Nov. 12-15, Tainan, R.O.C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical study on the pulsatile flow in a stenosed artery with complete bypass graft,” Proceeding of the Thirteen International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, pp. 44-45, Nov. 12-15, Tainan, R.O.C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H., Ting, K. and Yeh, C. C., “Effect of Spray Angle on Three-Dimensional Flow and Deposition Process in Atmospheric Plasma Spray Torch: A Numerical Study,” The third Asia CVD Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. Nov. 12-14 (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Liu, G. H., “Effects of Aspect Ratio on Developing Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in  Wavy Channels: a Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the Sixth Asia Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Session 1B-5, Oct. 24-27, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Ko, T. H. and Chen, E. Y., “Numerical Investigation on Three-Dimensional Flow Fields and Deposition Process in Atmospheric Thermal Plasma Spray Coating System With Solid Shield,” Proceeding of the 4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology, B23, Dec. 12-14, Douliou, Yunlin, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Liu, C. M., Ko, T. H., Sung, T. L., Chang, W. Y., Ting, K., Teii, S. and Chau, C. C., “Plasma Treatment of Polyethelene Surface by Using Atmospheric Pressure Corona Torch,” Proceeding of the 4th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basic and Application of Plasma Technology, P12, Dec. 12-14, Douliou, Yunlin, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Ting, K., Ko, T. H., Li, Y.C, Wu, W. F., Lu, Y. L. and Chien, F. T., “The applications of risk-informed in-service-inspection,” SMiRT18-O01-2, 18th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 18) August 7-12, Beijing, China (2005).


  • Yen, R. H., Ko, T. H. and Chang, H. Y.,“Characteristics of Nonreactive Flow in a Three-dimensional Side Dump Combustor,”Proceeding of the Third Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, pp. 109-114 (1993)
  • Chang, H.Y., Ko, T. H. and Yen, R. H.,“Numerical study on Different Combustion Models in Axisymmetric Combustor,”Proceeding of the Third Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, pp. 285-290 (1993)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yen, R. H.,“A Comparison of Isotropic and Anisotropic 方程式 Models in an Axisymmetric Sudden Expansion,”Proceeding of the Eighteenth National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp. 317-323 (1994)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yen, R. H.,“Developments of a New Anisotropic 方程式 Models,”Proceeding of the 36th Conference on Aeronautics and Astronautics, pp. 52-60 (1994)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yen, R. H.,“Effect of Inlet Fuel Distribution on Non-Reactive Flow in a Three-dimensional Side-Dump Combustor,”第10屆全國技術與職業教育研討會, pp. 93-101 (1995)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Numerical investigation on the flowfields in a three-dimensional side-dump combustor including the side-inlet computations,” Proceeding of the 19th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 119-126, Nov. 29-30, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical flow analysis in a partially occluded tube with a complete bypass graft,” Proceeding of the 19th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 731-738, Nov. 29-30, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “The Influences of Inlet Reynolds Number on the Flowfields in a Partially Occluded Tube with a Complete Bypass Graft,” Proceeding of Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, D3-28, p. 46, Dec. 14-15, Kaohsiung, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “A Comparison on the Laminar and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in Bifurcating Lung Airways,” Proceeding of Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, D3-29, p. 47, Dec. 14-15, Kaohsiung, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Effects of guide vanes in the side-inlet of the flowfields in a Side-dump Ramjet Combustor,” Proceeding of the 26th Conference of Chinese Society of Applied Mechanics, p. I010, Dec. 20-21, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Numerical Investigation on the Mixing Phenomena in a Side-dump Ramjet Combustor,” Proceeding of the 26th Conference of Chinese Society of Applied Mechanics, p. I011, Dec. 20-21, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Computation on the flowfields in a partially occluded tube with a complete bypass graft and different anastomotic angles,” Proceeding of the 26th Conference of Chinese Society of Applied Mechanics, p. I018, Dec. 20-21, R.O.C. (2002)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C, “Numerical Investigation on the Turbulent Flows in a Square Curved Side-inlet Duct of a Ramjet Combustor,” Proceeding of the 13th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, IV-04, Mar. 29, Taipei, R.O.C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H. and Young, I. L., “Prediction of Turbulent Flows in a Sudden-expansion Pipe with Dual Lateral Jets,” Proceeding of the 13th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, IV-05, Mar. 29, Taipei, R.O.C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H., Lin, Y. C. and Chen, H. K. “Evaluation of theκ-ε Two-equation Model and its Variances in a Sudden-expansion Pipe with Lateral Jets,” Proceeding of the 13th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, IV-06, Mar. 29, Taipei, R.O.C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H. and Chen, H. K., “Numerical evaluation of protecting bends from erosion by fixed ribs,” Proceeding of the 20th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 249-255, Dec. 5-6, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H., Chen, H. K. and Lin, Y. C., “Numerical analysis of erosion in curved pipes with different bending angles,” Proceeding of the 20th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 551-558, Dec. 5-6, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H. and Yeh, H. C., “Effects of side-jet angle on the mixing phenomena in a closed-end cylindrical duct with dual opposed curved side-jets,” Proceeding of the 20th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, pp. 559-565, Dec. 5-6, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2003)
  • Ko, T. H. and Ting, K., “Thermodynamic optimization of fully developed laminar convection in a helical coil,” Proceeding of the 14th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, Mar. 27, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Lin, U. C., “Numerical investigation on the laminar flow fields and entropy generation in a helical coil with constant heat flux,” Proceeding of the 14th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, Mar. 27, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Chen, H. C., “Evaluation of the k-e two-equation model and its variances in solid-gas two-phase flows,” Proceeding of the 14th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, Mar. 27, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Lin, A. Z., “Numerical Simulation of a Pen-like Atmospheric Plasma Torch,” Proceeding of the 11th Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aug. 5-7, Taitong, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H., Liu, C. M. and Chen, H. K., “Numerical Study on Three-Dimensional Isothermal Solid-gas Flow and Deposition Process in a Plasma Spray Torch with Different Solid Shield Diffusive Angle,” Proceeding of the 21th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Nov. 16-17, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H., Ting, K. and Chen, H. K., “Effect of Spray Angle on Three-Dimensional Isothermal Solid-gas Flow and Deposition Process in Atmospheric Plasma Spray Torch: A Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the 21th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Nov. 26-27, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Lin, Y. C., “Numerical Investigation on Entropy Generation in Helical Coils with Uniform Wall Heat Flux and Various Coiled Tube Sizes,” Proceeding of the 21th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Nov. 26-27, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H. and Lin, A. Z., “Numerical Analysis of Entropy Generation and Optimal Reynolds Number for Developing Laminar Forced Convection in Double-sine Ducts,” Proceeding of the 21th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Nov. 26-27, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R. O. C.  (2004)
  • Ko, T. H., Ting, K, and Yu, T. Y., “Effects of Aspect Ratio on Entropy Generation and Optimal Reynolds Number for Developing Laminar Forced Convection in Double-sine Ducts: a Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the 28th Conference of Chinese Society of Applied Mechanics, Dec. 3-4, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H., Ting, K., Lin, W. S. and Yu, T. S., “Entropy Generation and Optimal Dean Number for Laminar Forced Convection in Curved Rectangular Ducts: a Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the 28th Conference of Chinese Society of Applied Mechanics, Dec. 3-4, R.O.C. (2004)
  • Ko, T. H., “Numerical Investigation on Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in Half-sine Duct,” Proceeding of the 12th Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD12-0918, Aug. 19-21, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Ko, T. H., Lin, W. S., Hwang, S. R. and Chiang, S. P., “Effects of Longitudinal Ribs on Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in a Curved Rectangular Duct: a Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the 2005 Energy HVAC and R. Conference, Sep. 3-4, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Ko, T. H., Chiang, S. P. and Hwang, S. R., “Numerical Investigation of the Optimal Arrangement of Ribs Mounted on Duct Wall for Laminar Forced Convection in a Curved Rectangular Duct Based on Minimal Entropy Generation Principle,” Proceedings of the 29th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, December 16-17, NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
  • Ko, T. H. and G. H. Liu, “Effects of Corrugation Angle on Developing Laminar Forced Convection and Entropy Generation in Wavy Channels: a Numerical Study,” Proceeding of the 16th Conference on Combustion Science and Technology, Mar. 25, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2006)
  • 葛自祥 and徐智誠, 陣列型筆式大氣電漿炬數值研究, Proceeding of the 15th Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aug. 7-9, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2008)
  • 葛自祥 and李冠儒, 筆式大氣電漿炬非反應噴流衝擊邊牆之數值研究, Proceeding of the 15th Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aug. 7-9, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2008)
  • Ko, T. H. and J.-C. Hsu, “A Numerical Study on the Thermofluid Flowfields Induced by Dual Pen-like Atmospheric Plasma Torches with Various Power Input,” Proceeding of the 25th Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineer, Nov. 21-22, Taiwan, R. O. C. (2008)
  • 林如貞、葛自祥,「創造兩岸高等技職教育雙贏之策略:台灣地區高等技職校院赴大陸地區開設境外專班方案分析」,兩岸高等教育產業論壇,龍華科技大學,台灣桃園,2008年10月22日,頁15-35。
  • 林如貞、葛自祥,「從教學卓越計畫探討台灣高等技職教育品質提升之策略與方法-以台灣龍華科技大學為例」,2008海峽兩岸應用性(技術與職業)高等教育學術研討會,大陸北京,北京聯合大學, 2008年11月4-6日,頁93-103。
  • 林如貞、葛自祥,「台灣高等技職校院面臨之經營壓力與提昇創新研發能力之競爭策略」,2008海峽兩岸應用性(技術與職業)高等教育學術研討會,大陸北京,北京聯合大學, 2008年11月4-6日,頁104-111。
  • 葛自祥,台灣高等技職教育的私校(民辦)教育政策與發展:以龍華科技大學為例。2009海峽兩岸高等職業教育發展論壇,中國上海,2009年8月31日。P. 106-137。


  • 葛自祥(主持人), “除役中火災事故之模擬與火災防護計畫之評估”, 行政院原子能委員會委託研究計畫,91001INR008,$NT450,000 (2002).
  • 葛自祥(主持人), “核能電廠安全級管路斷管及其影響分析研究”, 行政院原子能委員會委託研究計畫,932001,$NT485,000 (2004).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),“陣列型筆式大氣電漿炬數值分析”, 國科會專題研究計畫,93/8/1-94/7/31,NSC93-2212-E-262-002,$429,560 (2004).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),“大氣熱電漿噴流鍍膜最佳化設計,” 國科會提昇產業技術及人才培育研究計畫,93/5/1-94/4/30,NSC93-2622-E-262-001-CC3,$NT588,700 (2004).
  • 葛自祥(主持人), “核能電廠安全級管路斷管及其影響分析研究(II)”, 行政院原子能委員會委託研究計畫,NL940028-1,$NT350,000 (2005).
  • 葛自祥(共同主持人),”教育部94學年度技專校院發展重點特色案補助計畫:電漿技術於綠色科技之應用研發”, $NT5,000,000 (2005).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),“肋片裝置於彎管內以降低管壁腐蝕之最佳化設計,” 國科會提昇產業技術及人才培育研究計畫,94/11/1-95/10/31, NSC94-2622-E-262-013-CC3,$NT226,000 (2005).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),”方型彎管內紊流強制對流熵增分析及最佳化研究”,國科會專題研究計畫,95/8/1-96/7/31,NSC95-2221-E-262-024,$315,000 (2006).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),”計算流體力學於皮膚組織微循環血液行為模擬與應用(I)”,國科會專題研究計畫,96/8/1-97/7/31,NSC96-2221-E-262-015,$312,000 (2007)
  • 葛自祥(協同主持人),“高靈敏度光學式氧氣與二氧化碳感測器之研究”, 嚴慶齡工業發展基金會專題研究計畫,96/2/1-97/1/31,$NT750,000 (2007).
  • 葛自祥(主持人), “核能燃料營運策略分析研究”, 行政院原子能委員會委託研究計畫,97/1/1-97/12/31,972001INR001,$NT670,000 (2008).
  • 葛自祥(主持人),”結合最小熵增原理及類神經網路之螺旋管內強制對流最佳化研究”,國科會專題研究計畫,98/8/1-99/7/31,NSC98-2221-E-262-016,$394,000 (2009).


  • 葛自祥、高進鎰,彈性製造系統(譯書),高立圖書有限公司 (1995) 。
  • 葛自祥、羅世雄、孔憲成、李元秉,商用微積分(譯書),高立圖書有限公司(2000)。
  • 杜鳳棋、葛自祥,應用力學-靜力學(譯書),高立圖書有限公司 (2000)。
  • 羅文陽、葛自祥,微積分(譯書),高立圖書有限公司 (2001)。